Having hard water stains in your shower is not harmful but can be extremely annoying to look at. It can quickly damage your sink, shower doors, bathtubs, and any other cabinets in your shower. Moreover, if you do not clean the stains in your shower, the buildup can form a hard crust on all your utilities. Preventing them from appearing is much easier than cleaning them after they have already left stains in your shower.
How to prevent hard water stains in the shower?

1. Keep surfaces dry
You can use a squeegee or a simple cloth to wipe off any water from the surfaces in your bathroom after every shower. This simple step can stop any stains from forming in your shower. The moisture after a hot shower can accumulate on the surfaces and form water droplets. This can result in stains if you do not clean it right away. Using an inexpensive squeegee is the best way to ensure your surfaces remain dry and never form any stains!
2. Use mineral-fighting solutions
Hard water usually has mineral deposits that make it difficult to clean from surfaces. These minerals include calcium and magnesium. It is a good practice to test the solutions on a small part of your bathroom fixtures as a first step. This will let you know if you can use these solutions to clean your surfaces and avoid damaging them. You should always use protective gloves and masks while using any solutions, as they can sometimes emit harmful fumes. Rubbing alcohol is one of the solutions you can use to clean hard water stains from mineral deposits on your shower fixtures.
Also, Read – How to stop water from running out of the shower
3. Clean frequently to prevent stains
Using market-bought cleaners or home remedies will only help if you use them frequently. For example, cleaning your shower every day ensures that you are preventing the buildup from happening in the first place. Although cleaning the buildup is easy, preventing it can make your job easier.
4. Use a water softener
Using a water softener to prevent hard water stains is very popular and common for a reason. A water softener is a device that you can fix at the entrance of the water flow in your house. Of course, you should only do this with the help of a professional. A water softener will prevent the hard water from entering any of your shower fixtures in the first place! A water softener device will consist of a tall water-softener tank and a short brink tank. A small tube connects the brink tank to the softener tank. And a small discharge hose connects the softener tank to a nearby drainpipe.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! Vinegar is the most common and affordable product to prevent hard water stains. Chances are, you already have this in your house. You only need white vinegar, a spray bottle, a microfiber cloth, and a toothbrush to clean your fixtures. You should do this once in a while to prevent hard water stains from ever appearing in your shower. You can dilute your vinegar if using it to prevent stains. You can use a stronger mixture if you use vinegar to get rid of pre-existing hard water stains in your shower.
Also yes! You can use a paste made of baking soda and vinegar to clean the hard water stains in your shower. You will need to smear this paste on the surfaces of your shower fixtures. Make sure you use gloves while doing this. Let the paste sit on the surfaces for about 10 to 15 minutes. You can use an old toothbrush to clean the surfaces after the mixture settles. You should clean the surfaces with a damp microfiber towel as your last step. And that’s it! This is a simple and affordable way to clean your shower to eliminate any hard water stains that might appear in the future!
preventing hard water stains is easier than cleaning them. You can use any of the tips mentioned above to ensure you never have to deal with hard water stains in your shower!