Toilet seats are one of the most heavily used bathroom surfaces, and damage from regular cleanings can appear long before the seat has to be replaced.

Toilet seats made of rigid plastic, acrylic, or wood can be painted, but you’ll need the correct paint if you want them to survive. Although latex paint is extensively used in many houses, washing it with disinfectants can cause the paint to wear away fast.
Remove the seat before painting to avoid making a mess. Remove the seat by loosening the nuts on the toilet seat bolts under the top rear rim of the toilet bowl.
Toilets are subjected to a lot of wear and tear over time and require a makeover now and then. So, if the paint on your faithful throne is peeling, it could be time to repaint the toilet or repaint the seat.
We’ll go over everything you need to know about painting a toilet seat in this article, as well as some pointers on how to make the process go as smoothly as possible.
Is It Possible to Paint Your Toilet Seat?
If you pick the proper materials, it may be able to run for you with a relatively robust paint; acrylic, hard plastic, and wood toilet seats all offer paint, but because latex paint is extensively used in many homes, updating it may be time-consuming.
Place the toilet seat, bolts, and nuts using a drop cloth and the toilet seat.
When Renovating a Toilet, What Kind of Paint do You Use?
The least expensive component for painting a toilet is acrylic latex primer. Epoxy or spray paint can be used to paint appliances. You’ll also need epoxy lacquers if you’re spray painting. Epoxy appliance paint may even be used to clean a toilet.
What is the Best Paint for a Toilet?
The first step in painting a toilet is to use an acrylic latex primer. For appliances, you may spray paint or use epoxy paint if you like. If you use spray paint, you’ll also need a clear epoxy coating.
You may paint your toilet using epoxy appliance paint in the same way as you would a painting job. You may use a variety of various types of paint to decorate your toilet.
First and foremost, an acrylic latex primer should be used, followed by epoxy paint for the topcoat. Epoxy paint is typically used to touch up or add another coat to your toilet.
Epoxy paints, on the other hand, are only available in three colors: white, grey, and black.
See Also: Toilet Seat for a Heavy Person
Is it Possible to Paint Porcelain Toilets?
When painting or priming your home, look for primer and paint that is particularly made for porcelain fixtures.
Oil-based and acrylic paints are not suggested for porcelain, however latex-based and epoxy products are. You may use spray or roll-on paint for porcelain if you want.
What Kind of Tools are Required to Paint a Toilet?
The following is a list of materials and tools that are required:
- Dish soap is a good cleaning option.
- Tape for painting
- Screwdriver made of rags and newspaper for use on wooden or plastic surfaces, use primer, and paint.
- Sandpaper
- Paintbrushes are available as an option.
How to Paint the Toilet Seat?
Have you chosen to paint the seat of your toilet? It may not appear to be a major deal, yet it conceals certain mysteries. Otherwise, the outcomes might not be as intended. Both wooden and plastic toilet seats may be painted.
You must carefully prepare the surface for the toilet seat makeover to be successful. Padded toilet seats, on the other hand, cannot be painted.
The vinyl that covers such seats does not adequately hold the paint. The paint will quickly break.

When painting a toilet seat that is still under warranty, be cautious. You will be in violation of the warranty conditions if you recondition the seat.
In some circumstances, it may be preferable to wait until the warranty term expires.
1. Get Rid of the Toilet Seat
Remove the rear of the toilet seat’s bolt cover. Turn the bolt with a screwdriver while holding the nut beneath.
2. Make Sure the Seat is Clean
Thoroughly clean the toilet seat, paying special attention to the hinge region. Allow it to dry completely after rinsing it with the cleaning solution.
This element of the work isn’t as unpleasant as you may imagine. Did you realize your keyboard has three times the number of germs as your toilet seat?
3. Areas That Should Not be Painted Should be Protected
The hinges and hinge coverings are among them. Painter’s tape is used to mask them off. Some individuals prefer not to have the lid painted, so you may cover it with newspaper.
4. Sanding the Sections that Will be Painted
Sanding roughens up surfaces so that paint adheres better. Remove any sanding dust that has accumulated. Make sure that all of the surfaces are dull and a little rough.
5. Creating a Well-Ventilated Environment
It’s best to take the toilet seat outside and prepare a painting surface underneath it. On your driveway, you don’t want a paint ring the size of your toilet seat.
6. Continue to Clean the Area
A primer is used in the conventional procedure to ensure that the paint adheres to the surface properly. For wooden and plastic surfaces, several primers are available. Use spray paint that has both primers and paint in it. You will save time since you will not have to wait for the primer to dry. One simple step completes the toilet seat makeover.
7. It’s Time to Start Painting!
Apply a light, even layer of paint with spray paint. Apply the paint from a distance of 6 to 10 inches. Make sure to spray into all cracks and hidden surfaces.
It’s possible that you’ll need to apply two coats of paint, waiting 30 minutes between each one. If you overpaint the toilet seat, it will appear bad.
Spray paint is usually the finest option for a toilet seat makeover. If your toilet seat is used regularly, however, epoxy paint may be a better alternative because it is significantly more durable.
Keep in mind that toilet seats are subjected to a lot of stress, therefore it’s no surprise that they occasionally require special paint.
8. Re-install the Seat
After your toilet seat makeover is finished and the seat is totally dry, you may replace it in its original location.
Reinstall the seat with caution; if you use too much force while tightening the bolts, the porcelain may break.
Check out my top heated toilet seat reviews if you’ve chosen to acquire a new seat after all.
See Also: Best Toilet Un-Clogger Liquid
Toilet Seat Scratch Repair Tips
When you use a plumbing snake to clear blockages from your toilet, you’re likely to end up with scratches within the bowl. These scrapes are unattractive, but with a little elbow grease, they can be removed.
Metal scuff marks are most likely the source of scratches within the toilet bowl. To remove scratches from the inside of a toilet bowl, you must first drain the water and clean and buff the scratch away.
The trick is to get rid of the surface scratches without scratching the porcelain or dulling it.
You may see scratches on your toilet seat during the preparation step. The scratches will remain apparent after the makeover if you do not fix them.
So, if you want to perform a nice job, you must first take care of the scratches. What you should know is this:
Light scratches should be sanded. If the scratches on your toilet seat are minor, sanding will remove them. Sand the scratch using rubbing alcohol-soaked sandpaper until the surface is smooth.
A mild abrasive, such as baking soda or toothpaste, can be used to remove minor scratches. To properly remove the scrape, use circular movements. It’s possible that several applications will be required.
How Can You Know if You Have a Deep Scratch?
A deeper scrape is more obvious to the naked eye, and it snags your nail when you run your finger over it. Multiple strokes of grit wet sandpaper are required to remove these marks.
Substances that might harm the toilet seat’s finish should be avoided.
Harsh chemicals, aerosol sprays, and nail polish remover should all be avoided.
They’ll ruin the finish on the toilet seat, and you’ll have to buy a new one eventually.
If you do decide to replace your toilet seat, make sure you choose the correct one.
Check to see if your toilet seat is circular or elongated before traveling to the hardware shop.
Wrapping up
Spray paint may not last as long as epoxy paint if the bathroom is especially active and requires virtually daily cleaning. Epoxy paint comes in two-part kits, and the components must be mixed together right before use.
Use a compressor-style paint sprayer or a fine-bristle paintbrush to apply epoxy paint. Avoid garage-floor epoxies because they typically contain gritty materials like silica, which texturizes the floor.
Whether the seat is made of plastic, wood, or acrylic, choose epoxy paint that is suitable for the surface.
The nuts on toilet seat bolts are often tightened and loosened by hand, reducing the risk of broken porcelain caused by overtightening.